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Funny Kid Jokes

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Q: Why did the peace officer provide the sheep a ticket?
A: He was a baaaaaaaaad driver.
Q: however does one keep a skunk from smelling?
A: Plug its nose.
Q: What has four legs, a trunk, and sunglasses?
A: A mouse on vacation.
Q: What does one decision a 400-pound gorilla?
A: Sir.
Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A discomposed equid.
Q: what's a cow’s favorite place?
A: The mooseum.

Q: What do fish fancy keep healthy?
A: nutrition ocean.
Q: What does one decision a mammy cow that simply had a calf?
A: Decalfinated!
Q: What does one decision a mad elephant?
A: associate degree earthquake.
Q: what's a shark’s favorite sandwich?
A: paste and jellyfish.
Q: wherever area unit sharks from?
A: Finland.
Q: what's King Arthur’s favorite fish?
A: A swordfish
Q: Why did the peace officer provide the sheep a ticket?
A: He created associate degree illegal  ewe flip.
Q: What will associate degree octopus wear once it gets cold?
A: A coat of arms.

Q: What reasonably dog continually runs a fever?
A: A hot dog!
Q: What did the mammy buffalo advice her son before he visited school?
A: Bison!
Q: What has four wheels, gives milk, and fare grass.
A: A cow on a skateboard.
Q: Why don’t bears wear shoes?
A: What’s the employment, they’d still have bear feet!
Q: What does one decision a dog that likes bubble baths?
A: A shampoodle!
Q: What will a calf become once it’s one year old?
A: a pair of years recent.
Cow: “Mooooove over!”
Sheep: “Naaaaaaa.”
Q: however does one understand associate degree elephant has been in your refrigerator?
A: There area unit footprints within the butter.
Q: Why will a Giraffa camelopardalis have such a protracted neck?
A: as a result of his feet stink!
Q: What’s a dog’s favorite food for breakfast?
A: Pooched eggs.
Q: What does one provides a pig with a rash?
A: Oinkment.
Q: What does one do if your cat swallows your pencil?
A: Use a pen.
Q: What’s black and white, black and white, black and white and green?
A: 3 skunks fighting over a pickle!
First dog: My master calls American state Furball. however regarding you?
Second Dog: My master calls American state Sitboy!
Q: What reasonably mouse doesn't eat, drink, or perhaps walk?
A: A mouse.
Q: What does one decision a dog with a Rolex?
A: A watch dog.
Q: What pine has the longest needles?
A: A gnawer.
Q: What’s worse than a arthropod with athlete’s foot?
A: A gnawer with split ends!
Q: Why did the archosaurian reptile cross the road?
A: The chicken wasn’t around nevertheless.
Q: What reasonably cars do cats drive?
A: Catillacs!
Q: What does one decision a ruminant that prices a dollar?
A: A buck.
Q: What’s a frog’s favorite drink?
A: Croak-a-cola.
Q: What’s associate degree alligator’s favorite drink?
A: Gator-Ade.
Q: What does one decision snake with no garments on?
A: Snaked.
Q: What did the dog advice the flea?
A: Stop bugging me!
Q: wherever do cows proceed Saturday night?
A: To the mooooooovies.
Q: What does one decision a archosaurian reptile that ne'er offers up?
A: A try to try to try-ceratops!
Q: What does one decision a archosaurian reptile at the rodeo?
A: A Broncosaurus or a theropod Tex.
Q: What has ears sort of a cat and a tail sort of a cat, however isn't a cat?
A: A kitten.
Q: World Health Organization makes archosaurian reptile clothes?
A: A dino-sewer.
Q: What did the snail say once he got on the turtle’s shell?
A: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Q: wherever do sheep get their hair cut?
A: At the baa-baa search.
Q: Why can’t hippos ride bicycles?
A: Bike helmets don’t work hippos!
Q: What’s a puppy’s favorite reasonably pizza?
A: Pupperoni.
Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A sunburned equid.
Q: What happened once five hundred hares got loose on Main Street?
A: The police had to comb the world.
Q: What do camels use to cover themselves?
A: Camelflauge!
Q: What does one decision a mussy hippo?
A: A hippopota-mess!
Q: What does one decision a cow that twitches?
A: jerky
Q: What did the gnawer advice the cactus?
A: Is that you simply mommy?
Q: what's a lion’s favorite state?
A: Maine
Q: wherever do horses live?
A: within the neigh-borhood.
Q: Why area unit elephants wrinkled?
A: as a result of they don’t work on a ironing board!
Q: what's a cat’s favorite breakfast?
A: Mice krispies
Q: what's a frog’s favorite year?
A: bissextile year
Q: What reasonably dog contains a bark however no bite?
A: A Dogwood!
Q: what's a pirate’s favorite’s fish?
A: A swordfish!
Q: what's a horse’s favorite sport?
A: Stable tennis!
Q: Why do pandas like recent movies?
A: as a result of they're black and white.
Q: what number sheep does one have to be compelled to create a sweater?
A: I don’t understand. I didn’t suppose sheep might knit!
Q: What does one decision a bruise on a T-Rex?
A: A dino-sore!
Q: What game do elephants play once riding within the back of a car?
A: Squash!